Embassy of the Commonwealth of
The Bahamas
Havana, Cuba


The government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas requires that inbound traveler (resident or not) must obtain a TRAVEL HEALTH VISA (THV from now on) before traveling.

The THV requires a PCR COVID 19 test, within 5 days before traveling. The passenger shall upload that information and wait for the approval. A fee of 40.00 USD shall be paid upon approval to print the Health Visa document. Application and payments must be done online.

The following guide will explain the procedures on how to use the system and update the information.

We hope it helps!

Before applying for the THV make sure that you have the following:

  • A valid and active e-mail address for opening an account to register and receive replies
  • An invoice with a PCR test made within 5 days before traveling with the results (scan the document)
  • A digital personal picture (you can use the one in your passport)
  • A digital picture of your Passport data page
  • A credit or debit card for online payment
  • Applying for the THV requires that your Bahamian electronic visa has been already accepted and issued (or that you have any other document that allows you traveling to the Bahamas). This visa by itself does not guarantee a permission to travel to the Bahamas.

Documents shall be ready in pdf, jpeg or png format and less than 25 MB.

  1. Go straight to the address https://www.travel.gov.bs or, visit the Bahamian MOFA’s official website at: https://mofa.gov.bs (see picture below) and click in the link (No.1):
    Both links will take you to the TRAVEL HEALTH VISA page.
  2. Use any of the buttons signaled above (see 1 or 2) to get in the process and follow the instructions.
  3. Use any of the buttons signaled above (see 1 or 2) to get in the process and follow the instructions.
  4. Create an account for these matters using a valid and active e-mail or log in, if you already have an account here (Log in No.1, Create and account No. 2).
    • If you are creating an account for the first time, use any password that comply with the security requirements (the system will tell you when the password is acceptable). Make sure that you remember the password later because you will need it every time you log in the site to get your replies and to apply every time you travel.
    • The password will not be valid if you don’t comply with the characteristics required by the system. If the password is ok, every check mark will turn green (4).
  5. Press “Continue 1/6” at the bottom.
  6. Fill the information required in each window according to your particular case and official documents
  7. Upload your passport’s data page and your picture complying with the characteristics of the documents (1).
  8. Press “Continue” at the bottom and keep going through pages (2). If there is any information missing above, the “Continue” button won’t turn available.
    • A sequence of windows will show up that required to be filled with the proper information to complete your Profile and Travel document. Every time you finish one, press “Continue” or “Submit” at the bottom (1).

    • This time you will be ready to go to the HOME page of the THV where you will Add your trip current information. Make sure that every step you have complied is ok. Every part will show a green check mark if it is fine (1)
    • If there is something wrong or missing, you will need to click back on it and check (2) (sometimes Photo and Passport’s picture need to be re-uploaded). If everything is ok, then: “Add trip” at the bottom right (3)

  9. Choose your type of trip (1)
  • Fill all the information related to your current trip scrolling down until finish.
  • Only crew members and under 10 years old children are exempt of sending a COVID 19 PCR (1). Do not select the option if you are not within that group.
  • Upload the document (or picture of the document) that says your PCR was negative (2)
  • Read carefully the Consent and Private policies text (3)
  • Click on those that you agree at the beginning of each clause.
  • Submit the information (if there is any information above that has not been completed or uploaded, the “Submit” button won’t be available to click on it. In that case scroll up and check what is wrong or missing)
  • At this point, the THV form would be finished. Log out and wait for the reply from the MOFA when your THV is approved.

You will receive an email with your THV approval. Then log in again in this website (see the URL at the very beginning of this guide) using your account to pay the fees (payment online using a credit or debit card) and print your THV document.

This document shall be shown at the airport during the check-in (in Havana and Bahamas) along with the e-visa and other travel documents.